10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Small Business

We make New Year’s resolutions for weight loss, saving money and becoming more organized. In addition to following through with the bevy of personal self-improvements, the New Year is the perfect time to make some upgrades to your small business as well.

Here are some tips on how to get your small business marketing ready for the new year.
What New Year’s resolutions could you make for your small business marketing in 2016?

Our handy 10 tips offers insight in areas where your business could improve for 2016 and beyond:

  1. Focus on fresh faces

It may be OK to party like it’s 1999, but your headshot should not be a throwback to that era. It should be professional, and yes, up-to-date. Not sure if your headshot is good or bad? See some guidance here.

  1. Keep taglines current

Does your business motto accurately sum up your mission, promise and brand? Tip: Focus on the “what’s in it for customers” aspect rather than the products or services themselves.

  1. Hit targets with your Website

Evaluate to see if your site is meeting customer expectations. Consider adding (or updating) an email collection tool and using a content management system like WordPress. Analytics can help shed light on if you’re reaching targets.

  1. Describe your business to a 5-year-old

Would a kindergartener be able to understand what you do? Seriously. This is where an effective one-pager comes in. If you can’t quickly, clearly and easily explain what you do, it might be time to organize your thoughts and create (or update) a one-pager or rack card.

  1. Pick the best company

The weeks leading up to the New Year are a perfect time to analyze business groups and memberships. Are you active in enough? Too many? Evaluate which groups you are currently involved in (or would like to join) and what benefit each offers to you and your business.

  1. Make content king

If you’re not already, consider writing a regular blog and possibly e-books as well. Both will help to establish you as an authority. Tip: Think about the helpful hints you would offer a new customer and jot them down into a roughly 300-word blog post.

  1. Share and share alike

If informative content is written, but no one sees it, does it make an impact? To be most effective, it’s a good idea to share or post your blogs where you would expect your prospective customer to be perusing. Exactly where will depend on your area of expertise and sites relevant to that topic. It could take some investigating to pinpoint the best spots.

  1. Get social

You may have waded into Facebook, but have you mastered the social media network? Are there other platforms that would work just as well, or better, for your business? The New Year is a great time to take a look at which networks are worth your investment of time to learn and use regularly.

  1. Put it on the calendar

What events or special promotions are you planning for 2016? Before midnight strikes on Dec. 31 it’s a good idea to map out your plans. Tip(s): some events lend themselves nicely to seasons or holidays. Other times, your slowest days or times of the year make for the best opportunities to pull together a sales-boosting event.

  1. Consider a contest

Does your business tie in nicely with New Year’s resolutions? If you own a gym, for instance, a natural contest could center on the biggest loser in weight loss. Relating a contest to resolutions could help generate more attention and expand your reach to new customers. Tip: Share the contest on your Website, social media and with the local press. Ask contestants to share, and if possible, solicit votes or “likes” from their friends to expand reach.

For help in making your 2016 small business resolutions a reality, contact Theresa Katalinas at 215-519-8833 or email katalinascommunications@gmail.com.

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