Nonprofit organizations nationwide are feeling the pinch of declining contributions. Some attribute the double-digit dip in giving that began in 2021 to inflation. Recent changes in tax laws that dramatically increased the standard deduction, resulting in fewer than 10 percent of taxpayers itemizing deductions as compared to 30 percent of […]
When she is not marketing her clients and their programs, planning events, undertaking public relations campaigns, strategizing social media posts, fundraising, or writing grants, Katalinas Communications founder Theresa Katalinas looks for opportunities to give back. Helping people – especially youth – build resilience in order to not only survive but […]
Nonprofit fundraising can take on all shapes and sizes. Whether your organization opts for a donation appeal letter, in-kind contributions, silent auctions or raffles, or event sponsorship, there are a few things to keep in mind that will help in launching a successful fundraising campaign. For the last three years, […]
My goal is always to gain a better understanding of my clients. What are they all about? Which marketing and public relations initiatives would be most beneficial? In short, I make a point of getting to know the brand and its objectives before launching any type of campaign. Sometimes I […]
From travel and tourism, to feeding the hungry, creating environmental sustainability, empowering youth with STEM education, and everything in between, grant funding is available for almost every facet of business and charitable organizations. The question is: Are you leveraging the abundance of resources available to financially support your next project […]
Want to know the successful recipe for event fundraising success? First, of course, is to have a fun event that really draws your target audience. But, how does that translate to fundraising? Particularly for community events without an admission fee, raising money for charitable organizations can sometimes require a bit […]
The Center for Independent Living of Bucks County has hired Katalinas Communications to further its public relations, social media and fundraising goals. The nonprofit organization provides a variety of free services to people with disabilities who live in Bucks County. Typically, like-minded agencies refer clients with disabilities for independent living […]