It was about a year ago that I interviewed for what I thought would be my big break as a business owner. I put a proposal together and was confident – in retrospect too confident – that I had landed what my husband referred to as my “first big fish.”

I knew the ins and outs of the organization and all of its players. The proposal was a formality. The contract would ensure that I’d have consistent income every month, something that can be tricky as a public relations and marketing consultant. If I landed the gig, I would surely have “made it.”
For a variety of reasons, it never panned out. And I was devastated. I was ready to quit.
About 15 minutes after the thoughts of failure flitted through my head, I was back at it, pushing harder than ever to make my dream of business ownership a reality.
Why, you ask?
Simply put, sometimes success can’t be measured by the one big fish, but rather by a pool of smaller, more meaningful fish.
Within the first five months of starting my business – prior to the big fish – I had begun working with eight regular, albeit smaller, clients. A year later, all but two are still with me. And my pool has doubled in size.

Had I caught the big fish, I likely would not have had the drive to seek out new opportunities and ultimately work with a number of amazing nonprofit organizations, small businesses and governmental organizations.
Entrepreneurs may wish and hope for a big break or to catch that big fish.
The reality is that the big fish you seek may never come or may come when you least expect it. By focusing your attention too much on that one prospect, you could isolate your current customers – the folks who believe in you, who are loyal to you and who helped you lay the early foundations of your business.