Thanks to everyone who participated in Katalinas Communication’s April Fools Day #bestprank contest!
We’re happy to announce that Scott Chappelear has won. Here’s a description of his contest entry:

Contest overview:
It’s the time of year when putting a whoopee cushion on your boss’s chair won’t get you fired,
when tying your kids’ shoes together is OK and when the sneered refrain of a common catchphrase is acceptable – for most people, anyway.
That’s right, April Fool’s Day is in sight.
Ah, the day of practical jokes. Pranks. Shenanigans. How many times have you been dubbed a “fool” for falling prey to an “April Fool’s” joke?
Growing up, I seemed to have more than my fair share of pranks pulled on me each April 1. Maybe it’s because the day is synonymous with my birthday. Either way, I grew accustomed to being the butt of jokes on that day.
As such, I think I’ve seen and heard every April Fool’s joke and prank known to man.
But, I’m willing to bet there’s at least one good one out there that I don’t know about (yet).
The contest
That’s where you come in. I want to hear your ideas for the best practical joke or prank.
Beginning on March 30 and continuing through 11:59 p.m. on April 1, visit my Facebook page and share your thoughts, photos or video of what you consider to be the best April Fool’s joke or prank.
You can also tag me on Twitter and use the hashtag #bestprank.
The rules
The winner of this contest will be chosen at the discretion of Theresa Katalinas. In the event that two people enter with the same or very similar ideas one (1) winner will be selected at random.
There is no purchase necessary to enter Katalinas Communication’s April Fool’s #bestprank contest.
The contest winner will be announced on Katalinas Communication’s Facebook page and Twitter account on April 2. An gift card will be awarded to the contestant with the best prank or practical joke.
Legal stuff
Contestants assume any and all risks associated with the practical jokes or pranks showcased in the entry. Theresa Katalinas and Katalinas Communications is not responsible for any harm or personal injury associated with entry in this contest.