Finding Calm in Chaos

I feel like I misplaced my mojo. I know I should be focusing on growing my business and trying to recoup client revenue lost from the pandemic, but I lack the motivation.

Besides, I tell myself, businesses and nonprofit organizations are struggling. No one is looking to expand their marketing right now.

At the same time, I am used to working non-stop and in many instances with a quick turnaround or tight deadline. OK, I will admit, I like to be busy. I am often too busy, so not being as busy as I would like is a bit of an adjustment.

Yet, it is a shift that I am (trying) to accept with open arms. For once I am focusing on me. As an entrepreneur, mom, and wife, it is most often the last place I focus. I find that to be the case with my friends who are working moms as well. We pour so much into work, family and keeping our households together that when it comes to ourselves, we are essentially pouring from an empty cup.

Staying focused

Instead, I have been pouring myself into improving my physical and mental health. I may have cancelled my gym membership, but not my five-days-a-week workout regimen. While at home, I have stepped up my workouts first to six days a week and now to daily, mixing in yoga, Pilates, and mobility workouts along with cardio, strength and HIIT (my favorite). Lucky for me, I have hand weights, a resistance band, and a mat from my pre-gym days. My daughter’s playroom doubles as a great place to do planks, jumping jacks and squats.

I find that when I move, I feel energized, more alert, accomplished and ready to tackle the day’s challenges.

When weather permits, I join my daughter in an afternoon bike ride, long walk with our dog, Moxley, or a tennis match at the park. Time outdoors enjoying fresh air and conversation literally soothes my soul.

Struggling with anxiety

On days like today when clouds and a constant stream of rain threaten my ability to be outside, I feel more anxious than usual and often down, as we all do. Some days throughout the pandemic, my anxiety, understandably, has been heightened due to so many uncertainties and unknowns.

Anxiety has been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. At its best, it pushes me to work harder – to the point of perfectionism – and do everything I possibly can to make everyone happy. At its worst, it invades my sleep as I replay and re-evaluate every interaction from the day.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression since adolescence. Through therapy, I have learned some coping mechanisms that have helped me.

For me, the most challenging aspect is breathing. It sounds silly, I know, but when I am anxious, I stop taking full, deep breaths. Instead, my breaths are shallow, which exacerbates the stress I am feeling and does nothing to calm me.

Enter meditation

Over the summer, I took an online yoga and meditation class with my daughter. It was geared for kids, but I talked her into doing it together. At the outset, I wanted to keep her active, i.e., not sitting in front of the TV or a videogame and knew she would be less likely to do it alone. It ended up being fun bonding time and taught me the importance of a much-needed reset.

Meditation has helped me to deepen my breathing, calm my thoughts and focus – if only for a few minutes.

I am by no means a health and wellness expert. I am only sharing what has worked to help alleviate my stress and anxiety. There are certainly other effective methods available to combat anxiety and depression. I urge anyone who is struggling to talk to someone and get the help they need.

I would also love to hear what strategies have worked for you. Please comment below!

In finding techniques that improve my health and mental state, I know I will feel focused and ready to conquer – once I find my misplaced mojo that is.

Katalinas Communications offers marketing, public relations and social media strategy and management services for projects both large and small and for clients with varying budgets. Our team also provides branding, graphic design and web design and development services. To learn more about how we can help your business or organization, email Theresa to arrange a no-obligation consultation.

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